Historical Timeline
Why are the Jewish people returning to Israel?
A brief historical look at ancient manuscripts.
We are witnessing the return of the Jewish people to Israel today. For centuries, Jews have been separated from each other by vast distances. Nevertheless, they remained one nation – with a common history, religion and tradition. Now, they finally have a tangible land they can call home.

Aliyah in the Bible
The return of the Jewish people to Israel – foretold in ancient history.
You can read about it, for example, in Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 2:24 and
Obadiah 20.
Discover more about the biblical prophesies:

Aliyah (עלייה) – Return
Aliyah is a Hebrew word referring to the return / ascent of Jews to Israel.
Why do Jewish people move from their countries of origin to Israel?

From Sepharad to the New World – from the Shtetl to the Pampas
After 1497, the Jews living on the Iberian Peninsula (many of whom were forced converts, known as Marranos or Conversos) were left with little choice but to flee westwards to the New World.
Centuries later, countless Jewish people would follow their example.

David Ben Gurion on the Negev:
«The Negev is one of the Jewish Nation’s safe havens.»
While deserts around the world grow, devastating cultivated land and robbing people and animals of their habitat, Israel’s desert area is in fact shrinking.

Antisemitism, the Oldest Hatred –
from Antiquity to the Present
Dealing with threatening words and actions can be part of daily life for Jews. It’s time to break the taboo and talk about what’s really going on. And about what we can do to stand against hatred, promote tolerance and combat antisemitic influences in the media.

«Remembering is painful. It shocks, silences and makes us cry out all at once. Nevertheless, it is imperative that we face even the most depressing truths in our history. We have an obligation, not only to the victims, their families and descendants to do so, but also to ourselves. How else will we grasp the insoluble relationship between the ability to remember and the ability to master our future?»
Professor Rita Süssmuth, Germany