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Aliyah Wellen

Aliyah in Waves

Olim – Returnees, Immigrants to Israel 


Jewish people leave their countries of origin and move to Israel for a variety of different reasons. Some describe an inexplicable longing for home, others are threatened by economic, political, and social tensions and seek a more secure place to live, yet others are motivated by religious interests. 


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VOLVIERON DEL SUR  (VdS) is part of a larger network primarily involved in supporting Aliyah. As evangelical Christians, we want to serve the Spanish-speaking Jews. Wherever possible, we collaborate with other congregations, organizations and ministries to effectively pool resources and combine synergies.


VdS is a non-profit organization based in Switzerland. We support Jews from the South (Central and South America and the Caribbean) to prepare to return and to take root in Israel.

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